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“UC Davis Lecture Hall, Moved Into Yeungnam University!” N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2012.01.12 15:26
  • Views : 15466

Yeungnam University, opens up \'UC Davis Oversea Summer Semester\' for the first time in Asia in the field of engineering
10 UC students‧14 Yeungnam University students, ‘study hard’ together for one month

[July 5, 2011]

 “Welcome to the Material World. During this semester, we\'ll study on \'Materials for Future Energy Needs\' at Yeungnam University, Korea. UC Davis is one of the top Universities in the field of Materials Science and Engineering.\"

 Professor Shackelford of UC Davis who is one of world\'s great scholars in the field of materials engineering is lecturing at the Materials Science & Engineering Department of Yeungnam University.

 At 9AM of the fourth, Professor Shackelford (James Shackelford, 66) of UC Davis who is a lifetime member of American Ceramic Society and one of world\'s great scholars in the field of materials engineering stood on the platform of Materials Science & Engineering Department of Yeungnam University. He is here to teach the basics of materials science and engineering for the students participating in the ‘UC Davis Summer Abroad 2011\' held at Yeungnam University until the end of July as the writer of 《Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers》 which is a famous introductory work in the field of materials science already translated in Chinese, German, Spanish and Korean while currently being translated in Italian.

 Yeungnam University (president Lee, Hyo-Soo) has invited the ‘UC Davis Summer Abroad 2011\' for the first time in Asia in the field of engineering. This program is one of main global programs of UC Davis and is a summer abroad system with UC (University of California) students as main target. While the program is opening up in various major fields in various countries of the world each year, the special feature is the UC Davis professors giving lectures directly. This year, a total of 38 programs will be operated in 25 countries. The fields are 29 majors including culture, history, literature, art, politics, economy, geography, mathematics, genetics and civil engineering including the materials engineering held at Yeungnam University.

 One of these programs is being held at Yeungnam University for about one mon from 30th of last month until coming 26th. In this program carried out with a title of \'Materials for Future Energy Needs\' by getting support from Green Energy Leading Industry Talent Training Center of Yeungnam University, 10 UC students (UC Davis, UC Berkeley and UC San Diego, etc) and 14 Yeungnam University students are participating to explore the world of new materials. In addition, they even receive credit by having the opportunity of field study and culture experience for 4 weeks.

 The professors and students participated in UC Davis Summer Abroad 2011 are taking photos.

▲ 2 UC Davis Professors‧4 Yeungnam University Professors, Gives Lectures and Guides Experiments

 The daily routine of these people living together in the life center of Yeungnam University is to take lectures for 3 hours from 9AM and preview-review or perform given experiment in the afternoon on weekdays.

 All lectures and experiments are performed in English. The score evaluation through mid-term exam and final exam is also entirely according to the evaluation standard of UC Davis. In a word, the entire chemical materials engineering lecture hall of UC Davis is moved to Yeungnam University for one month.

 The career of professor who are in charge of lectures and experiment guidance is also worthy of attention. Professor Kim, Sang Tae (46) who will be handed down with the baton of Professor Shackelford is working as a professor of UC Davis since 2004 after receiving Ph. D from the Univ. of Houston and going through post-doc at Max Planck Institute of Germany, he is especially considered as one of great scholars in the field of nano material and fuel cells that are getting attention as next generation materials.

 He introduced by saying “there is great demand of students in other major trying to learn material science through vacations because this is the field that all engineering students must study. So the summer abroad system of UC Davis providing high quality education and oversea culture experience opportunity at the same time is a very popular program” and expressed his expectations by saying “I\'m very delighted to carry out this program with Yeungnam University which is getting attention in the research in the field of green energy and advanced technology materials. Through this opportunity, I hope the exchange between two universities would spread to the entire university as well as engineering\".

 Professors Lee, Jae-Hyung, Kwon, Hae-Wook, Lee, Jae-Yeol and Ko, Young-Gun in charge of experiment guidance one week at a time are also people with great ability who have received the latest degree or post-doc at Ohio State Univ., Case Western Reserve Univ., Univ. of Texas, Austin or MIT.

 Professors in charge of lectures and experiment guidance at UC Davis Summer Abroad 2011
(From left-Professors Lee, Jae-Hyung, Kim, Suk-Young, Han, Young-Hwan, Shackelford, Kim, Sang-Tae, Lee, Jae-Yeol)

 Field trips are also a part of program. while the students learn practical knowledge from practical workers by visiting the fields related to the major such as POSCO Power, POSCO, Hyudai Heavy Industries, Hyundai Motors, Millinet Solar, LG Electronics Solar Division (Kumi) and Daegutec, they will also have time to experience the history, tradition and culture of Korea by visiting, DMZ, Seoul, Jeonju, Andong and Gyeongju, etc.

 The determination and expectations of participating students are also extraordinary. Park, Hye-Jin who is enrolled in Materials Science & Engineering Department of Yeungnam University (20, female) said \"As I see the UC students who are feel free to ask questions even on very basic problems, I also get to make effort in having more active learning attitude\" and expressed her determination by saying \"I\'ll show the ability of Korean university students properly by previewing and reviewing thoroughly everyday\".  Shawn who is enrolled in fourth grade of UC Berkely (Shawn Yeh, 21) said \" I\'m reconfirming on the fact that the developed standard of Korea in the field of advanced science & technology including the field of next generation energy\" and expressed his hope by saying \"I hope to find a job in Korea after graduating by finding out more about Korea and also building up a human network through this program\".

 The Dean of Material Science & Engineering Kim, Seok-Young (57) and Professor Han, Young-Hwan (54) who have went out on foot to invite the UC Davis Summer Abroad program said \"we have prepared and are carrying out the program with a though of representing entire Yeungnam University and furthermore, all universities of Korea which is not on the level of Yeungnam University\'s Material Science & Engineering department or School of Engineering\" and said \"as much as the interest and demand of American university students on studying or training in Korea are rapidly increasing as the Korean wave is causing a strong blast throughout the world, we\'ll make the best effort in providing the high quality program to become settled as a steady exchange program which is not a one time thing\".

 The students on a field trip to POSCO Power which has made the world\'s largest scale fuel cell power plant

 Meanwhile, UC Davis is a prestigious university evaluated as 6th among American universities in social contributions, 9th among American public universities, 5th among American universities in securing foreign teaching staffs and 46th among universities of the world in the research ability. It had signed an agreement for comprehensive exchange with Yeungnam University in April.