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Highest local number of foreign faculty, 11th in the nation N

  • Writer YU
  • Date : 2008.11.21 12:47
  • Views : 15770

Yeungnam University 52, Seoul National University 11, Kyungpook National University 4 
Shows the level of global education environment


 Yeungnam University (president Tong-Ki Woo) has the most foreigner instructors in the region and is 11th in the nation. This is considerably meaningful in the fact that it acts as an index for the level of ''global education environment''.

 According to the University News Network on the 16th, Assemblyman Cho Jeon-hyeok (Grand National Party), member of the Education, Science and Technology Council after analyzed MEST National Assembly inspection and results showed that Hongik University had the most foreign faculty with 177 from a total of 122 4-year national, public and private universities with over 100 professors as of April 1, 2008. Next was Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (129), Korea University (109), Hanyang University (105) and Yensei University (88). Excluding Dongseo University (60) and Pusan University of Foreign Studies (59), the top 10 were all in the Seoul area.

 Yeungnam University has 52 foreign language professors making it 11th in the nation and 1st in the region. Meanwhile, Seoul National University had only 11 foreign professors ranking it 60th in the nation, while other major universities in the Seoul area such as Seogang University (8), Ewha Woman''s University(49) and Chungang University (38) all had less foreign professors than Yeungnam University. Kyungpook National University only had 4 foreign professors placing it 89th and Kyungil University had 33 placing it 27th in the nation.

 Results of this analysis showed that the average ratio of foreign professors in domestic universities to be at 4.7%. There were 17 universities of the 122 examined that had no foreign professors, while national and public universities relatively lacked foreign faculty compared to private universities.

 When asked about these results, Bae Cheol-ho (47, school of Mechanical Engineering), planning manager at Yeungnam University, stated "It has already been a long time since global education has been a hot issue in colleges. However, we should take another look at whether the colleges have established a global education environment." He also added, "procuring foreign professors can prevent our talented students from going abroad and attract students from other countries such as in Southeast Asia, making it very important for colleges to increase their competitiveness."

<Chart 1> Number of foreign professors in 4-year colleges in Korea

Rank College No. of Faculty (full-time professors)
Foreign professor
1 Hongik Univ. 177 648 26.0
2 Hankuk Univ. of Foreign Studies 129 532 24.2
3 Korea Univ. 109 1,466 7.4
4 Hanyang Univ. 105 1,183 8.9
5 Yonsei Univ. 88 1,798 4.9
6 Kyunghee Univ. 81 1,214 6.7
7 Sungkyunkwan Univ. 81 1,138 7.1
8 Inha Univ. 63 773 8.2
9 Dongseo Univ. 60 303 19.8
10 Pusan Univ. of Foreign Studies 59 229 25.8
11 Dongguk Univ. 52 918 5.7
Yeungnam Univ. 52 754 6.9
13 Univ. of Suwon 50 284 17.6
Soonchunhyang Univ. 50 681 7.3
15 Ewha Womans Univ. 49 893 5.5
16 Chosun Univ. 46 483 6.0
17 Seokyeong Univ. 42 180 23.3
18 Silla Univ. 40 285 14.0
19 Paichai Univ. 39 279 14.0
Sookmyung Women''s Univ. 39 388 10.1
21 Cheongju Univ. 38 381 10.0
22 Chungang Univ.(Seoul) 37 907 4.1
23 Korea Nazarene Univ. 36 154 23.4
Myongji Univ. 36 441 8.2
Soongsil Univ. 36 398 9.0
26 Konkuk Univ. 35 935 3.7
27 Kangnam Univ. 33 204 16.2
27 Kyungil Univ. 33 193 17.1
29 Hallym Univ. 32 785 4.1
30 Sejong Univ. 30 362 8.3
30 Hoseo Univ. 30 409 7.3
35 Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology 25 237 10.5
36 Kookmin Univ. 24 458 5.2
41 Univ. of Ulsan 22 955 2.3
49 Kyungnam Univ. 18 329 5.5
54 Sunmoon Univ. 15 247 6.1
60 Seoul National Univ. 11 1,752 0.6
67 Ajou Univ. 9 483 1.6
71 Sogang Univ. 8 355 2.3
89 Kyungpook National Univ. 4 1,106 0.4
90 Pusan National Univ. 4 1,112 0.4
93 Dankook Univ. 4 728 0.5
101 Gachon Univ. of Medicine and Science 3 289 1.0
104 Dong-a Univ. 3 581 0.5
121 Kongju National Univ. 1 526 0.2
123 Chungnam National Univ. 1 868 0.1
126 Univ. of Incheon 1 253 0.4
127 Catholic Univ. of Korea 1 1,106 0.1

*As of: April 1, 2008   
*No. of faculty includes full-time instructors in undergraduate and graduate schools 
*No. of faculty includes president, professors, assistant professors, associate professors, full-time instructors.   
※Source: Cho Jeon-hyeok Grand National Party office